A.C.T.S. Ministry (Advancing Community Through Service). With cooperation from the community several activities have filtered through the ministry such as Back to School Fair, Coat Drives, and Valentine Love Gifts for 100 Homeless Women. Their Motto is Ministry is a Collaborative Team Effort where everyone should have an Opportunity to share their gifts for the building of God’s Kingdom. 

Volunteer Leaders

Derek and Wendy DelValle

Derek and Wendy, high school sweet hearts have been married for 20 plus years and are Native New Yorkers (Brooklyn Born). They are blessed with three handsome young men; Bryan, Brandon and Brady. They have been in ministry for over 27 years in various capacities such as media arts, spiritual leaders, youth ministry, Christian education, small group facilitators, worship team and community outreach. Derek and Wendy joined the LIVING WORD family in 2013.


Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Interested in finding out where you can serve, here is your opportunity.  Go to link below and sign up !

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.