Palm Sunday  | 10 AM

At some point, everyone asks the question, “why does life seem so hard?” We have a hard time reconciling what we expect and what actually happens. Jesus’ triumphal entry in Jerusalem prior to His crucifixion provides us a strategy for dealing with the difficult curve balls life throws our way.

Good Friday | 7:30 PM

If Easter, the resurrection is the most triumphant event in history, then Calvary the death of Christ, is the most decisive. There would not be a resurrection had there not been a death. Life was released by reason of Jesus’ death. In His dying, Jesus conquered death and forever turns it around.

Easter | 9:30 & 11:30 AM

Easter,  not just that Jesus is risen, but His resurrection over death makes this solid, profound point; that if death has been conquered, the possibility of anything of the Father's plan for your life that is dead or dying can live again.